Club Champs Feb 8th!

This is a fun day to get out in the water and stretch your legs on the sand while practicing a bit of friendly rivalry with your SLS mates! Events include flags and sprints on the beach, and boards, swim, ski and tube rescue in the water. Branch Champs (next level up) is happening on Sunday Feb 12th so save-the-date if you’re keen!
Our Chief Handicapper Rob Burfitt-Williams will be in touch later on but in the meantime, SAVE THE DATE!


Whether you are a pro on the rescue board, can keep a cool head during first aid, want to learn some new skills or just love hanging out and flipping burgers on the barbie, there is a place for you at Whale Beach Surf Life Saving Club!

Follow us on Instagram: @whalebeach_slsc

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227 Whale Beach Rd,
Whale Beach NSW 2107,

Whale Beach SLSC is proudly sponsored by:

Contact Us:
The Strand, Whale Beach, New South Wales 2107


PO Box 354
Avalon NSW 2107


(02) 9974 4944

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